Cop Accused In GUNS N' ROSES Riot Says He Used Fist, Not His Baton

May 20, 2004

CBC is reporting that a Vancouver police officer accused of using excessive force during the GUNS N' ROSES riot in November 2002 has taken the stand at the police complaints commission inquiry.

Const. Reg Forster is one of two officers who were videotaped (Real Media) striking people with their batons during the altercation.

Forster showed little emotion as he watched a video (Real Media) of himself striking two men with his baton in two separate incidents.

In one case, the video was enhanced, and in slow motion, showed him using both hands to drive a baton into Robert Parent's face.

Forster told the hearing he and another officer were called to GM Place to deal with GUNS N' ROSES fans rampaging after the concert was cancelled.

He said he was scared what might happen if the surging crowd ever got inside the building — and he described using pepper spray to stop people from smashing doors and windows.

"I've been involved in a riot before," he testified. "I know how vulnerable you can be, how things can go wrong in that situation." [Read more]

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